Streets for People in Waipawa
The consultation period for Waipawa Streets for people has now closed. The Council will consider all community feedback alongside independent monitoring and safety audits of the trial interventions to determine the future of the changes to Waipawa's main street. Thank you for your contributions.
This project is 90 percent funded by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and aims to create safer, better-connected streets so everyone can get to where they are going safely.
Council has been working with NZTA to delivering important improvements to Waipawa’s main street that reflect feedback from local businesses and residents garnered in the FOLKL survey (July 2022) on how to make the street safer and more accessible for everyone, and our Integrated Spatial Plan 2020–2050 and Waipawa Town Centre Plan.
What do the improvements to Waipawa's main street include?
- improved walking connections across State Highway 2 and at key intersections, including two new flat (at street level) pedestrian crossings with safety lighting, one near the library and one near the BP Station.
- a centre island near Madge Hunter Park and Centennial Memorial Swimming Pool to narrow the carriageway and slow traffic as it approaches the roundabout.
- a temporary roundabout (centre is pre-cast concrete, surrounded by asphalt) at the intersection of Ruataniwha Street and State Highway 2.
- new signage and road markings to slow traffic as it approaches Waipawa from the north and south, and at the Waverley/Church streets intersection.
- additional plants and planter boxes to provide visual cues to help slow traffic.
Artist's impression of the trial interventions being introduced to Waipawa's main street.
A collaboration between Council and community
Valuable feedback from our co-design group has helped us shape the potential 'look and feel' of future Waipawa. This group is made up of community members, mana whenua, business owners and local police, plus technical designers and engineers who have been working on designs, which have been independently assessed by road safety experts.
Ask us a question
Community consultation on this project is now closed. If you have a question or concern about the safety interventions and connections being introduced in Waipawa, you many find an answer in the questions or FAQs below.
Frequently asked questions
- What is the budget for the Streets for People project and how is it being funded?
- Will these changes disrupt my journey?
- How have final plans for Waipawa's main street changes from those originally proposed?
- Why was the proposed cycleway removed from the final plans?
- Why does Waipawa need more pedestrian crossing on its High Street?
- What is meant by the introduction of 'traffic calming interventions' on approach to and through Waipawa's township?
- Will the changes to Waipawa's main street reduce the number of car parks on the main street?
- Are dedicated mobility parking spaces included in the final designs for Waipawa's High Street?
- Why are these changes temporary and how long is the trial period?
- How do I provide feedback on these changes?
- When will Council fix Harker Street and restore vehicle access?
- Why is this project going ahead while post-cyclone recovery is ongoing and other road maintenance is required?